During a quick stop in Bantry in the "pissing" rain, as the Irish say...I had some iPhone fun! With my umbrella in hand I made a quick run through the side streets and harbor front. All these shots were made using the Olloclip, fisheye lens mounted on the iPhone 5. I loved the distortion I could achieve and using the fisheye allowed me to express an element of humor in the images. It was not easy shooting as the rain was quite wind blown and I had to keep wiping the Olloclip lens off with the very handy microfiber sac the clip comes in. It would have been impossible to use a "big camera" in the windblown rain!
The opening image was a happy accident, as I was holding the umbrella with my chin while grabbing a shot, I inadvertently caught my umbrella and arm in the shot. When I posted it on FB asking for opinions, people liked it! So there it is...my view from under the umbrella.
All the images here were captured using Hipstamatic, Jane Lens and Inas 1969 film. The processing was all done with Glaze, Snapseed and Image Blender to add in different iterations, masking and blending to get the final effect. To maximize Glaze processing, I engage the tool feature in the app to come up with really different looks from the standard effects and I have bought all the in app looks which expands the options for different effects. Yes maybe I am a frustrated painter! I wanted to keep this look going and used it through out the trip in different towns and on objects. Join me on August 10 at Union Station in Washington, DC for an iPhone class sponsored by Capital Photography Center. Click here for more info and registration.... Or join me at Horizon Photography Workshsops in Chesapeake City, Maryland for an all day iPhone Class on July 13, Click here for more information and registration.
The opening image was a happy accident, as I was holding the umbrella with my chin while grabbing a shot, I inadvertently caught my umbrella and arm in the shot. When I posted it on FB asking for opinions, people liked it! So there it is...my view from under the umbrella.
All the images here were captured using Hipstamatic, Jane Lens and Inas 1969 film. The processing was all done with Glaze, Snapseed and Image Blender to add in different iterations, masking and blending to get the final effect. To maximize Glaze processing, I engage the tool feature in the app to come up with really different looks from the standard effects and I have bought all the in app looks which expands the options for different effects. Yes maybe I am a frustrated painter! I wanted to keep this look going and used it through out the trip in different towns and on objects. Join me on August 10 at Union Station in Washington, DC for an iPhone class sponsored by Capital Photography Center. Click here for more info and registration.... Or join me at Horizon Photography Workshsops in Chesapeake City, Maryland for an all day iPhone Class on July 13, Click here for more information and registration.