Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Average Camera Pro: Vintage Scene Apps

Yesterday I received a lovely vase of roses..and in keeping with the rose leaf, rose theme, I decided to try some multiple exposures last night with the Average Camera Pro app and the vase of roses. It takes a little experimenting with the iPhone and the app to get the exact look and composition, not unlike working with a Big Camera in the field making comps and working a scene. When I had some images I thought had potential I went to work processing them for a "Look" in the vein of the aged out of focus work I have posted on the last couple blogs..so maybe this will be it for that "Look" but I must admit I do love the apps, Lo-Mob and Vintage Scene in combo with each other. There is also a Filter Texture inside of the Iris app called "Old Book" that I used on the opening image as well for the script and texture. Vintage Scene has some Victorian borders which lend themselves well to the aged look of these rose images here. When I was processing these, they reminded me of when film photographers would smear the front of their lens with a substance to create a faded soft look.
This image was processed differently in that the original capture was made with the Average Camera Pro app, but first I smudged it up in PhotoForge. After that I ran it through a watercolor and oil paint app in PhotoForge, then I applied a sand texture to it in Iris....and added a vignette and the ran it through Vintage Scene for the border effect....lots of fun and experimenting to see what will happen...
The good news too is that my 70-200 lens arrived today, repaired from Nikon after I dropped it.........Yippie!

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