True HDR Capture: Photocopier App Turner: Rain, Steam and Speed for developing: Filterstorm for border: Impression for signature |
Today was really a test for the True HDR app in the iPhone. It was also a test for me! In the bright snow my photo gray glasses really got dark making the icons and menu options very hard to see. I tried out my new little Joby SLR Zoom Tripod with a mini-ball head wrapped around my regular tripod. I also used the Glif mounted to the Joby Tripod. It worked just fine and is pretty portable and stable.
These shots were made in manual mode of the True HDR app selecting the brightest point on the image and making a shot then selecting the darkest point and making a second shot. I was also tested by this as I had to take my gloves off to make it work. It was also a little difficult hitting the exact right spot. But all in all it is a pretty amazing app.