Sunday, January 16, 2011

B&O Railroad Museum

Shot with iPhone and ProHDR app. further processing with PicGrunger for border and texture.

Saturday I led a photo workshop at the B&O Railroad Museum. I had just a little time before the scheduled workshop to make a few ProHDR shots inside with the iPhone. I had a great group of workshop participants. Sue from the Coastal Camera Club in Delaware, was even doing some work with her iPhone, so I shared my favorite HDR app with her and she downloaded it right there! After the workshop I made a few more shots in the parking lot area. If you have never been to the B&O Museum and live near the Balto. metro area, it is a great museum.
Shot with iPhone and ProHDR app, further processed in Artista Oil
Shot with iPhone and CP Pro app single shot, processed in PhotoStudio for texture.

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