Thursday, January 6, 2011

Playing with PhotoForge Smudge and PhotoCopier

Each one of the iPhone applications has so much to work with its just about I tried the "smudge screen" technique of "playing" with a photo. I say playing because it feels like play! Like when you did some finger painting in elementary school. But then again I really liked that too. This is the same image rendered in different color palettes from the app PhotoCopier, which replicates colors and textures from the masters of painting such as Picasso, Rembrandt, Cezanne etc..yes these are pear slices, from yesterdays breakfast. These are pretty primitive given that my finger is pretty large compared to the small screen on an iPhone. I have seen some pretty sophisticated "smudges" done on an iPad with a small "smudge" pen. Just another option for your photos and some creative play.

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