Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Breakfast with the iPhone

1. Sketchmee, Photocopier: Strand, Photocopier: Turner

Yes, as I was cutting a pear this morning I thought how fun it looked;  a simple composition on a patterned plate, with the cut pieces and remnants, the paring knife, in the filtered morning window light in the kitchen. So I went and got my quick camera the iPhone and made a few hand held shots mindful of a pleasing composition, with the camera in the phone..... set to the Hipstamatic app. with the following settings: Lens: Salvador 84; Film: Blackeys B+W and no flash. The image was then further processed on the iPhone with the Sketchmee app, and then in the app called PhotoCopier; set to Strand. I continued to add some processes to the image...Photocopier again, this time set to a painting filter called Turner and added some texture. Then I tried some toning in PhotoStudio and added a vintage look, then a little more color in PhotoStudio with the Lemore filter: To finish off the image in PSExpress app I applied a border: Perfect Photo to lots of little steps with different apps get different looks and the variety is here are a few of the images as they progressed. I don't know which one I like best???
2. Original shot straight from iPhone in Hipstamatic camera app.
3. Here I added a touch of Vintage filter in PhotoStudio
4. Here I added a color filter in PhotoStudio: Lemore
5. This is where I decided to stop and thought I liked it best? Added frame a in Photoshop Express and then a small border in Filterstorm.

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