Today I had on my list to photo manage on the iPhone~ that means dump files! It was getting a little 'snaggy' when processing and scrolling, so I needed to clean out my CameraPlus and Hipstamatic files along with the camera it's hard to find images that you never sync'd or worked on and just transfer them. I found some close up shots I made one day on the way to the beach of this closed down burger restaurant...and jumped on processing them to see what I could do with a few "raw" for lack of a better word iPhone shots. I have also been working on my day long presentation at MAC Business solutions on January 20 and Jan 28 in Gaithersburg, MD. As a result of that I found a cool collage app called Montager. Its not a full res app, it saves files at 1800 x 1200. I wish they could get the res up by a few more pix. I am working all the slides for the presentation on either the iPad or iPhone...and this is a good one for text and images. I also wish they would allow for the grid lines to be color toned...I will have to send the developer my wish list!
In addition to talking about Montager, I wanted to share the raw "before" image with the "after" processed image. The apps available to create with are amazing so heres a few before and afters. Oh and some good news I sold a couple iPhone prints in a gallery in Seattle! If you are in the DC, VA, or MD area I hope you can join me for a fun informative day of iPhoneography!