(above: international "eject" symbol, at the top right of a keyboard near you)
One of these days a CD or a DVD is going to get stuck inside your Mac. That's a total drag, but it's easy enough to get it out. Try these moves before you bring it to the Apple Store:
- Press the Eject key and keep it down a little longer than usual. No?
- Restart your Mac, and right after you hear the chimes hold down the mouse button. No mouse button? Hold the clicker on the trackpad. No clicker, because you have some new-fangled multi-touch trackpad? Press and hold where you would normally press for a click. Keep it pressed until the disk comes out.
- Restart your Mac, and right after you hear the chimes hold down the Eject key until the disk comes out.
If the disk is still stuck send me an email and we'll figure out what to do next.