Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Color or Black and White? ~ Camera+ ~ Snapseed ~ AltPhoto

For the last two weeks I have been grounded pretty much at the house as I have a complete bathroom remodel underway (ugg) with construction starting at 8 until 4. So,  I have been out in the garden earlier than I normally would have been or been at all, as in the past years, at this time, I am usually enjoying the beach landscape in Delaware, before the rental season begins.
In the morning I have been capturing a few iPhone images as the garden unfolds in spring. I love color but for some reason I have been leaning to processing these images in black and white. While pondering why I liked the images in black and white, I looked at these two images I made this morning, and decided that the black and white images distilled the morning light. While the color of the bloom is beautiful I liked the black and white file. The black and white image tended to draw me into the flower, I did not get the same visual intrigue with the color file. Do you have a preference?
If you always work in color give black and white a try. AltPhoto and Snapseed are all you need to make some great conversions.
My upcoming iPhone classes are posted on the Capital Photography Center website as well as The Horizon Photography website. Hope you can join me!

any question? enter your email below and I will help you