Thursday, September 5, 2013

Before and After.....A few pics...Hipstamatic ~ Glaze ~ Snapseed ~ Leonardo

The after shot: Captured~ Hipstamatic, Brighton Pak : Processed~ Snapseed, Glaze, Leonardo
Yesterday I snapped a few iPhone pics while enjoying one of the last beach days of summer. It was just a magnificent day by the sea. When I posted a few pics on Facebook, I had a comment from a friend saying they would like to see a before and after. So I committed to write a blog showing the before and after. The life guards are gone during the week now but the chairs remain as sentinels of summer.
The Seagulls were once again at home on the beach after the summer crowds are gone..I captured this one as it flew overhead.
Before processing with lens flares straight out of the iPhone, nothing added.
The dredging crews were working at replenishing the sand on the beach for the winter storms yet to come.
Before processing
Before processing


Before processing

Before Processing

After processing with Glaze, Snapseed and Leonardo

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