Monday, June 24, 2013

Koloid ~ New App

Quinn Abbey shot with Hipstamatic Salvador 84 Lens and Inas 1969, Processed in Koloid
When I was in Ireland with Peter Cox on tour with my photo group, Peter suggested a new app Koloid. It had just launched on June 2. I am always up for a new I downloaded it, tried it out and said it had potential, but I would like the app to allow you to import photos from your camera roll instead of having to shoot with the app. I wrote a note to the developer and today it came to be! They still have some work to do...but there are a few options which are cool. Cropping works best with a square format image like Hipstamatic or 6x6 but also works with 6x7. If you shoot a full 2x3 orientation app like Camera Plus be prepared to throw or crop some away. Also it works best with Vertical orientation images instead of landscape. When I first saw the results of the app they reminded me of the images my dad had taken with his camera during WWII. The developer's site says it was..
"Inspired by 19th Century collodian photography." I love this app for the unique look and the fun interactive developing process...Call me crazy. I selected a few images from Ireland to process. I applied no other processing to the images here so you could see the results of what I achieved with the app.

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