Friday, January 4, 2013

Getting Square ~ Hipstamatic Tinto Pak and Topaz photoFXlab

Toned with Topaz Labs photoFx
Original Image
Just before Christmas Hipstamatic updated to Version 261 and launched a new pak called Tinto 1884 Lens with two films C-Type Plate Film and D-Type Plate Film. I like to keep track of Hipstamatic on their blog as they often release interesting film/lens paks for a period of time and I don't like to miss a launch! This one is pretty cool right out of the box. All the shots here were made with the monochrome D-Type Plate film. I made several test shots at an old farm I like and processed them with different photo FX from photoFXlab from Topaz, a plugin for Photoshop, not an app. Why, because! Of course there are apps that could apply similar FX but I wanted to run them through photoFXlab. I have tried using photFXlab on Big Girl Camera files and have not found it to particularly pleasing, but I loved the toning it gave these Hipsta shots. 
The C-Type Plate Film from Hipsta (not shown here) has color and is equally as cool to work with! I have a few iPhone photography workshops coming up in Chesapeak City, Baltimore and Washington.......hope you can join me on one!
Original D-Type film

Topaz adjusted
Original D-Type Film

Topaz Adjusted

Topaz adjusted

Original D-Type film

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