Monday, November 5, 2012

Desperate for my New iPhone! A few iPad shots and processing in between

Good news my new iPhone is on its way! I can tell you being without one has revealed a few insights for me into me! I love making images, and I love making images on the fly! I can't tell you how many times in the past few weeks I have seen something cool and then had the idea that if only I had my iPhone I would have come back with a shot. I really don't carry that big DSLR with me everywhere like I do, or did, the iPhone! So, hopefully, I will soon get back to posting regularly with new work, new ideas and new apps from the iP5. In the between time, I have conducted a few iPhone classes since losing my iPhone. For the classes, I have been working with my iPad for instructional purposes, but last Saturday, I just had to take a few shots with it too! I usually use many apps in the process of creating an image which is uniquely mine, so it does not look like a one filter app image and so it meets my vision for the image. The shot below was what moved me to make a pic with the iPad. I love the trees which are planted aside the building of the Baltimore Museum of Art. They are textured and well pruned into gracefully arching branches overhead. What I love about them is the way they stand out against the background of the neutral tone stone blocks of the building and the way the light illuminates their trunks and casts soft shadows against the wall of the museum. So... I made this shot below with Classic Pan which is straight out of the iPad2.  Loaded in ClassicPan was the film Classic BW asa 1600, I set the exposure to center. I think it was a good place to start, but I wanted more.

I also made this shot of some fallen leaves on the marble steps.
I wanted to add some interest to the negative space in the shot of the tree trunk image and decided to use this image. I opened the leaves image in Painteresque. The developer of Painteresque has added some awesome adjustment features to the original one trick pony app and has expanded the opportunity for more creative adjustments to color. In addition to new presents there is a "Fine Tune" option, so as I do I started moving sliders to see how it would affect my image and settled on this one. I liked it for the color shift I had achieved as I thought the colors would work well in the grey tone original image.
So I went to work blending these images with both ImageBlender and Juxtaposer. But before I did I also worked on the original image for tone and contrast, using selective adjustments in Snapseed and global adjustments as well.

After I made the image blend masking out and adjusting blends I ran it through Glaze for texturing and painterly effects.
I then blended this version back with the original and made a few more fine tune adjustments to arrive at the finished file and finally added a frame in Snapseed.

I hope you can join me at one of my all day iPhone workshops for image capture, processing and workflow.
I will be in Chesapeake City, Md. on Dec 8 at Horizon Photography Workshops and in Gaithersburg, Md on November 16 at Mac Business Solutions sponsored by Capital Photography Center.

any question? enter your email below and I will help you