Sunday, January 22, 2012

Baltimore Clayworks: ArtistaHaiku: CameraPlusPro:BadCamera

Capture: CameraPlusPro Processed: ArtistaHaiku, ImageBlender, Snapseed, BadCamera,Crop'n'Frame
On my Thursday iPhone photo walk I visited the Baltimore Clayworks. Their mission as stated on their website~ "Baltimore Clayworks is a non-profit ceramic art center that exists to develop, sustain, and promote an artist-centered community that provides outstanding artistic, educational, and collaborative programs in ceramic arts." I went into the classroom space which is housed in an old city library building. Then I went across the street into the gallery and met Yoshi Fujii the gallery manager and artist. Yoshi is from Japan and studied art in the US. He has a studio in the Clayworks building and has some of his work on display in the gallery.
I enjoyed talking to him and I was reminded of when I made pottery. Yes I made pottery too. I even had a kiln in my basement. I did not "throw" pottery but enjoyed using molds and painting glazes. The  shelves in the classroom area were filled with greenware drying. I loved the way the window light played on the shapes of the handmade bowls.
Text added in Phonto: Light effects: LensLight: BadCamera:Snapseed
 In the gallery there was a display of earthenware books which were fascinating. I enjoyed the way the light was illuminating this display. I used a texture overlay I made out of another image I shot there of some window blinds.

Outside there is a fabulous large pottery piece. I hope you can join me on my Thursday iPhone walks in Mt. Washington. A link to the walk info is on the sidebar of the blog.

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