Thursday, November 17, 2011

New App 6x7

Capture:6x7 Process: Photoforge2 ~ Diffuse: VintageScene~ toned vignette: BadCamera~inner border and texture:Iris~color Sense~ replace color in maple leaves: ImageBlender~Blend Layers: Juxtaposer~ selective masking: Crop'n'Frame ~ Frame: Impression~Signature

Having been a fan of the app 6x6, I thought I would give 6x7 a try. The developer of 6x6 e-mailed me the other day announcing the launch of his new app 6x7.  I love this app too! I tried it out in my outdoor studio, my patio table. I love it for the white background. I stopped and picked up some Ginko leaves the other day and made a few shots of them on the table. I also have a Japanese Red Maple in my garden and the leaves had started to show their wonderful red fall color.  I combined the two leaves and made a few shots. Processing images on the iPhone is limitless in combos and creativity! These are a few images from one shot I made with the 6x7 app.
Capture: 6x7 Process: PhotoForge2~texture~brightness: SnapSeed ~ inner border: Crop'n'Frame~ frame: Impression~ signature.
Capture: 6x7 Process: TinyPlanet: Juxtaposer: PicGrunger ~texture: Crop'n'Frame

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