Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Diptic Revisited: ClassicPan

Well its been a while since I was posting with any frequency but I am back home from three weeks on the road and sorting and processing images. While in the Palouse, I had an opportunity to shoot some old trucks. I chose to shoot pieces of the trucks as they were interesting to me. I used ClassicPan, to capture the format I eventually wanted to use in piecing these together in Diptic. The amazing colors, textures and handiwork on the old farm trucks were what attracted me. A single shot cold not demonstrate  fully the variety of interest so I felt that a Diptic arrangement would work to show the beauty in the old trucks and paint.

 The shots of the Palouse landscape below were all made while riding in the back of a vehicle out the window at 50 mph with ClassicPan. All the images were adjusted for saturation, levels and sharpness in Iris.They were framed in an app called Crop'n'Frame. Will be posting more from the trip, as I get them processed and time allows.

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