Friday, July 15, 2011

Lucketts Apps: Old Photo: PicGrunger:BadCamera

Captured with ClassicPan:Processed with: Old PhotoPRO:BadCamera:PicGrunger: Framed with Crop'n'Frame

Today I rolled out at 4:00am and headed south to McKee Beshers for my sunflower workshop. It was a beautiful sunrise over the field of sunflowers, but I was teaching and helping folks capture the shot before the light I don't have any pictures, except one iPhone shot I grabbed real fast. This is it...I used BracketMode to capture two shots, one for the highlights and one for the darks and blended them together in iCameraHDR, then because it was low light and the shots were handheld they did not line up as sharply as I would like so I painted the image with AutoPainter...well you get the idea...but this blog is not about the sunflowers...its about Lucketts.

Lucketts is a vintage hip home store and antique center in an old, really old building. I have been by this store several times on the way to my nieces house in Ashburn for holiday dinners, but have never been able to enter because they are either closed or I am in a hurry. But today I had time to wander a bit. While scouring the little buildings on the property I found some distressed "Olive Buckets"...I thought would make great planters, so I bought three of them and went inside to explore.  All these shots were made inside of Lucketts. They have a beautiful way of displaying shop goods and the light coming through the old store windows was wonderful.The workshop group was great and we had a fun time among the Sunflowers.

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