Tuesday, June 28, 2011

PhotoStudio/PhotoWizard/Original PhotoForge/BadCamera/SuperImpose

Yesterday while cleaning up my camera roll, I came across an image I made months ago while conducting a photo workshop in Fells Point. Sometimes I use the iPhone to frame up a shot for a workshop participant. This shot was one I made that day, it interested me for the texture, graphics and the creativity the homeowner used when securing the breezeway.Yesterday I decided I wanted to limit myself to using a couple apps on the image, as I often do that to explore every option an app might have. While PhotoStudio and PhotoWizard are not new apps, they have had updates and I wanted to revisit them.
Original File
So I started with PhotoStudio and applied the PencilPaint filter and adjusted the sliders and got the effect below. I  liked it because the filter distilled the essence of what I liked the graphic quality of the scene. But I didn't like that the color was stripped away...so ....I opened this image in the original PhotoForge and painted in some color. There are many painting apps but I like this version as it has a color picker and brush size selection and an opacity adjustment as well as a zoom and move feature so you can toggle between painting and zooming in and out for detail work. (I am sure there are other apps with these features but this is one I like)
PhotoStudio PencilPaint File
"Original PhotoForge" Painted File

I liked the original turquoise of the tubing the owner had placed around the edge of the wire so I picked a turquoise color brush and opacity I liked to paint back in the color where I wanted it. I also painted in some brick color for interest and contrast. I liked the result so I saved the file. I then said WHAT IF as I usually do and ran the colored image into BadCamera, and added a vignette effect and some grunge. I then saved the file. I liked the image as it is but I one again said what it...and opened the image in PhotoWizard. I found the filter there called bathroom glass which added a bit of interest to me.
BadCamera filtered File
PhotoWizard BathroomGlass File

I loved the distortion effect the bathroom glass filter created after I adjusted the sliders a bit, so I stopped there and said that's it. I applied a sharpening filter and saved the file.
I finished the image with a frame from Crop'n'Frame and Impression for my signature. It was my intent to work this image in just one or two apps....but my mind wandered....and that's how it is when processing images on the iPhone with all the fun apps available.
And while I was working on this image I learned about a new app SuperImpose...so I played a bit more, but settled on the opening image. I will be exploring SuperImpose more, it looks like a Fabulous App for Blending, Masking , selective coloring...
SuperImpose version.

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