Monday, May 16, 2011

Santa Fe Mornings with the iPhone

This image was the emblem on a state vehicle that was parked in the town. I ran the shot through ArtistaSketch and selected a texture in the sketch program to change the back ground look of the shot. Then I blended the image with the original in Iris and ran it through PicGrunger to finish it off with a texture and a vintage look.

During my recent trip to New Mexico, I spent the mornings in the town of Santa Fe, enjoying breakfast in a local cafe and taking a morning walk around the historic plaza. The iPhone was in my pocket as I walked and I enjoyed making intimate images of pieces of architecture, or store fronts that caught my eye. The colors of New Mexico buildings are representative of the soil and sky, the red adobe and turquoise windows and tiles are wonderful! The mornings were cool, but the sun was blazing. With an elevation of 7000 feet, it is not only the United States' oldest state capital but its highest.I will be posting iPhone images I made during the trip for the next week or so chronicling the trip's shots I made with the iPhone. I was on such a schedule that I hardly had time to process, so now that I am home I will be working through them.
This image was shot with BracketMode: Merged in True HDR: Processes with Iris for some texture and grunge and then finished in PicGrunger.

Shot in BracketMode: Merged with TrueHDR: PencilPaint applied in Photostudio: Blended in Iris: finished with PicGrunger

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