Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Canyon Road and the iPhone

This image is a blend in Iris of AutoPainter: and ArtisaSketch: run through Vintage Scene for a border enhancement and PicFX for some grunge.

On Monday, May 9, I decided to spend the day in Santa Fe before meeting up with Steve Gottlieb and his New Mexico Adventure workshop group in the evening.
Canyon Road, is known for it's fabulous collection of art galleries, architecture and shops. I decided to travel light and only carry the iPhone. I passed the old church where volunteers were making adobe bricks for the construction crew that was making needed repairs to the structure. Iris were blooming outside one of the shops and I loved the way they looked against the old adobe wall.

This image has a texture applied in Iris and is a blend of AutoPainter:ArtistaSketch with some edge treatment in Grungetastic.
Secluded private gardens dot the road with brightly painted fences and gates.
 Shop entrances are welcoming with staged groupings of handmade pottery.
It was a great day exploring the galleries and shops. I enjoyed a lunch at a restaurant near the top of Canyon Road called El Farol.

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