Lately with the iPhone I have been having fun capturing people doing what people do! and then transforming the image from the literal to the well...painterly. Experimenting with lots of apps out there is a ton of fun, and interesting to see how they transform photos digitally. The four photos here have different processes applied to each, but still have a similar feeling.
The opening image I shot last week of the desolate beach on the Delaware Bay near Cape Henlopen. It was just a bench and the beach and the bay. I shot the person I put on the bench at Union Station two or more weeks ago. When I began to process the bench image I wished I had a person on the bench, and I thought: wait, I have that lady sitting on a train bench with an orange hat, that would be perfect, so I opened the images in an app called Juxtaposer and put this together, then began the artistic process so the two blended as if the lady was originally there.
This is also a blended image done much the same was in Juxtaposer except the man on the bench was the base image, I added the foreground texture of the floor from an image I shot of the station ceiling. Then processed the image together in many artistic apps such as AutoPainter: ArtistaSketch and Iris. The barber below was not a blended image it existed the way it was in the original shot, but I did work it through the apps for the artistic look.
The last image here I made last night on the Johns Hopkins Campus. It seemed timeless to me. It was a warm spring night and there were two young women in "SKIRTS" sitting on the bench enjoying the warm evening, studying together. Study Buddies, getting ready for their final exams. I asked them if I could make their picture as I had to get close for the shot I wanted and knew they would see me doing it so why not ask first. When they complied I asked if they would just please resume the positions they were in and go on as if I was not there. (that image, after all is what drew me to the scene) I used many processes on this, even brushing in some paint colors in the scene and borders and masking out layers of apps as I wanted, a real process, I felt at one point I had gone too far, so I stopped here.