Monday, April 4, 2011

Iphone: Sometimes, Less is more! App~MonoPhix

CameraPlusPro: MonoPhix app~PhotoStudio~Vignette~Frame

Left the beach today around 12:30 and headed north on Rt 1 toward the marshes, Prime Hook, Port Mahaon Road and Bombay Hook.. then home. I could not believe that the temperature today rose to 80 degrees as the day wore on. I made a few shots from the Jeep with the iPhone. The wind was so strong all day that I could barely hold the phone still enough for the shutter to pop with the anti-shake turned on. I would never have gotten any clear bird shots with a big lens today because the wind was whipping. I did spot a flock of Big Blue Herons in a cove in Bombay Hook, but they were too far away..even still it was very cool to see them. So I rode through the marsh and made some landscape shots. The big sky, the barren grasslands, the glistening water and the rotting piers of Port Mahon, made for some easy shots sitting higher in the Jeep.
 CaleraPlusPro: MonoPhix app~PhotoStudio~Vignette~Frame
SlowShutter: MonoPhix app~PhotoStudio~Vignette~Frame
CameraPlusPro~MonoPhix app~PhotoStudio~Vignette~Frame
Slow Shutter MonoPhix app~PhotoStudio~Vignette~Frame

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