ArtistaSketch layered with original HDR image captured with BracketMode, processed in TrueHDR, and PhotoForge for effects. |
These two apps are fabulous for certain effects. Rays, drops "Rays" into your image and you have the ability to move them where you want, adjust the opacity, lengthen or shorten and choose a color. Pretty cool stuff, the app even puts shadows in where they would actually fall, if in fact the "Rays" really existed. Notice the light falling on the steps above and the shadows from the column...they were as a result of "Rays" app. These are just a few images I have made since I downloaded the Rays app.
Zoom effect applied to image before adding in Rays. |
The image above also has Dynamic light applied to it to generate an image with the "Orton" effect.
There are other settings in Dynamic light which "pop" your images. Give em a try for only .99 cents they are a deal!