Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunny Experience with the iPhone

Straight Shot CP Pro Camera app.

On yesterdays beach run I also experimented with the iPhone a bit. Since it was a very sunny day, I found it really hard to see the LCD and make the appropriate settings as well as compositions. I use glasses. I can't see close up small details with out them. They are photo gray so they act as sunglasses in bright light and that did not even help. Even trying to turn my back to the sun and shade the iPhone's display it was hard to see my selection for making camera settings. I was using the CP Pro camera app for shooting at the time. When I downloaded the files I had a movie!!! no two movies.....; - ) Well I don't usually take movies but this is a fun accident so I am posting them here so you can see the environment we were shooting in. In the movies I was trying to make a camera setting selection, and capture a picture of the shadow of my tripod and camera in the snow, as I liked the way the light was making the shadow very angular on the snow.
After that I tried to really pay more attention to make the right settings..oh the apps are so small...

The next set of images were all made in the camera app Hipstamatic.
Lucifer VI: Black Keys Super Grain film: Bad Camera for effects
Johns S Lens: Kodot XGrizzled film
Kaimal MarkII Lens: Dream Canvas Film; PicGrunger Effect

Lucifer VI Lens; Black Keys Film selection no flash
 This is a 7 shot stitch, made with Autostitch. The camera app was CP Pro, ArtistaOil was applied for effect.
Whew that's it for today!

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