Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bigger Wednesday

Long-time readers may remember “Big Wednesday” (July 30th, 2008) as the Boyce Blog’s first 50-visit day. You can scroll down and read all about it. In case you don’t scroll down, the gist of the blog entry was “Today 50, tomorrow 100. Tell a friend.”

Well, it took a little longer than I thought it would (maybe everyone told the same friend?), but the Boyce Blog has indeed had its first 100-visit day, and what do you know, it happened on a Wednesday: August 5th, 2009. At this rate (roughly an additional visit per week) the Boyce Blog will have its first 1000-visit day November 25th, 2026. Truly something to be thankful for.

Here’s a beautiful chart showing “Bigger Wednesday”-- and at the far right, you’ll see we’re continuing to set records in terms of visits.

Boyce Blog gets 100 visits in one day

In celebration of Big and Bigger Wednesdays, Christian Boyce and Associates is offering all Boyce Blog readers a 50% discount for work performed on Wednesdays between now and September 30th, 2009. When you make your appointment say “I read about Big Wednesday on the Boyce Blog.”

Remember, this offer is for Boyce Blog readers only. This is your reward for your faithful readership.

Next stop: 500 visits in a day. Tell a friend and let’s get it done.

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