Saturday, June 11, 2011

Words and Photos do go together! WordFoto~TypeDrawing

WordFoto: DynamicLight~Relief: Iris to Blend files: Crop'n'Frame for frame: Grungetastic for inner border
Today is a foggy, dreary day at the beach so I have been playing with some images I made in New Mexico that I thought might be fun to use with the WordFoto app. Resolution is good at 1928 x 2602. All the images here were made using the WordFoto app with the exception of the large shell image and that was made with TypeDrawing. The resolution on TypeDrawing is small and I only tried it to see how it functions. It is fun and has lots of great possibilities,  too bad the rez is very small. WordFoto has many choices of type, colors and sizes of the type, background colors etc. but randomly lays the type into your image. Once you type in the list of words you want to appear in your image you have no control over where they go. In TypeDrawing you draw your finger over the image and the words you have set into the program appear. Both have a purpose and function very differently.
The beach images I made last week while at the beach.
WordFoto: Focal Lab ~ blur: Juxtaposer blend and erase: : Grungetastic: Crop'n'Frame
WordFoto: Dynamic Light~Relief: Juxtaposer~selective blend: Crop'n'Frame: Grungetatstic   


AutoPainter: WordFoto: Iris Blend

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