Friday, June 3, 2011

Return To Abiquiu....Old Photo Pro App

Captured with the Hipstamatic: Helga Viking Lens; BlacKeys B&W film: (I removed the date stamp with Touch Retouch)Ran the image through Old Photo Pro then added a small dark gray border in Grungetastic: Iris for levels adjustments: Then finished with Crop'n'Frame and Impression for signature.
Just home from the beach for a day or two and I am catching up on processing more of the New Mexico adventure with Steve Gottlieb iPhone photos. We stopped in Abiquiu. My second time there, this time we spent time with Napoleon Garcia and his partner Analinda. Napoleon is a one man tourist attraction and the only one in Abiquiu outside of Georgia O'Keeffe's house where you can book private tours. He has authored the book The Genizaro and the Artist. It is a story book of his time in service to O'Keeffe and of the area. He sells them from his front porch and on Amazon. ; - ) He was a real character. He allowed us to take photos of him while he was telling stories on his front porch.
I bought a book..and he gladly signed it for me.

I also made some images there of the landscape O'Keeffe loved,  an entry way and some skulls Napoleon had perched on a wooden bench as you walked up and on to his porch.
View of La Plaza Blanca

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